Online Lcd Bitmap Font Generator

This is a quick tutorial to show you how you can create a great graphic 'Splash Screen' for the ST7565 Graphic LCD Display

Jul 25, 2009 Thanks, RB It supports any fonts windows publishes in its standard font dialog, TTF included. A complete 5x7 font is included in the 7110 driver package (explained on the page) - you can see an example of this in the preview image (the '' is using a 5x7 font, while 'Example' is Tahoma 8pt bold and Nokia 7110 is Georgia 10pt bold italic).

When we added these screens to our product lineup we trawled the internet to find a program to convert a 2 colour BMP file into the hex character array that can be used in a program to display the graphic. Whilst there are a few programs out there (free and commercial) we could not find any that created the hex characters in the correct format. Many created each block of 8x8 pixels upside down.

So, as we could not find such a program, we wrote one using Visual Basic Studio 2010. It's nothing fancy, but it does the job, and is called simply BMP-LCD (not to be confused with the dos program BMP2LCD). And its FREE!

  1. If you are asking how to make a font, there are a number of utilities out there. Here are a few: DotFactory is simple, free, and does a good job converting existing font files to C code. BitFontCreator is a low cost tool with a graphical font editor, you can convert and edit existing fonts or draw your own fonts and symbols.
  2. Online character designer for Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) and create code for arduino. LCD Custom Character Generator.

You can download it here

It requires no installation, just extract it from the zip file, store it somewhere, and run it.

Firstly, before you can convert a bmp you need to create one. The BMP-LCD program doesn't do this, you will need to create a file in your own graphics program. The file should be 128 pixels by 64 pixels and 2 colours (black and white) only.

Once you have created your grahic file, run the BMP-LCD program.

Here is the main screen. There are no menus just 2 buttons, one to load up a graphics file, and the other to generate the output

Click on the Load Graphic button, and load up your bmp graphics file. Here is the one we created. It is shown at 3x actual size.

Online Lcd Bitmap Font Generator Online

Online Lcd Bitmap Font Generator

Then press the Generate button to create the output in a separate window


There should be 8 sections (they dont need to be split up, its just easier to check).

So, what to do with this data? Well, assuming you are using the Aduino Library for the ST7565 display from Adafruit, the default Adafruit splash screen is stored in the Library file called ST7565.cpp

Load this file into a text editor and scroll down until you see the hex codes for their logo. It starts with

// the memory buffer for the LCD
uint8_t st7565_buffer[1024] = {

Online Lcd Bitmap Font Generator

Pixfonter Homepage - Provide Pixel Font Maker And LCD Bitmap ...

Simply replace their hex codes with the newly generated ones and save the file.

Next, compile the example Arduino sketch for the LCD and upload to see your nice graphic displayed

LCD/LED Screenshot Generator -
